01195nam0 22003011i 450 UON005181520031002120000.020020107d1963 |0engc50 baengUS||||P |||||A *short history of the chinese peopleL. Carrington Goodrich3a edNew YorkEvanston and LondonHarper Torchbooks1963XII, 290 p., p. di tav.ill.21 cmCINASTORIAMANUALIFIUON0007862USNew YorkUON0000050USEvanston (Illinois)UON0001569GBLondonUON0003044CIN IVCINA - STORIAAGOODRICH, L. CarringtonUON0007854648031Harper & RowUON0000938650ITSOL20150908RICAUON0051815SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI CIN IV SI SA 94493 038 BIS SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSA94493CIN IV 038 BIS eShort history of the chinese people1145212UNIOR